Chisinau State University of Physical Education and Sports


Chisinau State University of Physical Education and Sports

The university of physical education is one of Moldova’s bet universities which is specifically working on the field of sports and sports education. This university is located at the flourishing capital of the country, Chisinau. Moldova is investing vastly in the field of education and most educational infrastructure of the country is located at the capital. This university, like most state universities, has a fully equipped campus with all the needed facilities in the heart of Chisinau. This university is specialized in sports, therefore a modern and advanced infrastructure is needed. The main campus of the university includes all the needed infrastructure for a comfortable education. There are various sports rooms, courts, fields and swimming pools in the campus.

This university has educated several successful athletes and coaches. Some of Moldovan award winners such as Mariana Tauber, Constantin Tutu, and Dimitriana Bezede are alumni of this university.

The university was established in 1918. It consists of 5 departments. There are several research centers at the university too. The quality council of the university is responsible for these faculties’ education quality. There are less than 5000 students currently studying at this university and about 500 professors and researchers are helping them in their education.


Physical education and sports university of Chisinau is specialized in sports, thus a huge sportive infrastructure is needed. This university has greatly prepared all the needed facilities for different sports and offers them to students of different faculties and people who are interested in them.

This university has chosen a didactic approach towards education. This is an individualized approach where courses and programs are designed according to the needs and interests of each individual student. Every student brings a handful of motives, interests and goals with himself or herself, hence the courses should include all these factors in order for the educational process to be at its best. This approach is a dominant approach in Moldova and most higher education centers emphasize the importance of needs analysis and design individualized courses for their students.

The university has a scientific journal for itself which can be considered an advantage for the university. It shows the importance research and the amount of emphasis which is put on new findings at this university.

The university offers various types of internship programs to its students during the year.

The university is a member of the Erasmus plus program and participates in its 1 Billion Euros project where students can transfer among universities and learn about other cultures and societies in partnering countries.

Student life

Moldovan educational system emphasizes a convenient student life and makes its universities to prepare all the needed facilities for this matter. Therefore, in Chisinau state university of physical education and sports, all the conditions have been taken into account and a comfortable living condition has been prepared.

The university library is the first eye-catching infrastructure of the university. It is a modern and fully-equipped library with thousands of copies of books and journals. It has reading rooms and an online database where electronic books could be found.

The university has a modern sports complex and a standard swimming pool. These sportive facilities can be used for both educational and leisure purposes. Sports is the main reason behind this university’s existence, and sports activities are of course, first in importance here. There are many sports teams in different fields and all of these teams participate in various national and international competitions.

The university offers coaching courses for its students. Graduates of these courses would have the possibility of opening their own clubs or joining other teams as a coach. The university has a career services department which assists students while finding a job.

The university offers medical services to its students in the medical center of the university inside the main campus.

There isn’t any information available about the in-campus or private accommodation offered by the university. 

University ranking

Chisinau state university of physical education and sports is among the most prestigious universities of the country. This university has been placed among the top 10 Moldovan universities by several international rankings. Unirank website has ranked them the 6th best university of the country and 9121st best one in the world. Edurank website has ranked them the 13th best university of the country and 9542nd best university in the whole world.

Faculty of physical therapy:

This faculty was established in 2009, but gained a huge popularity so fast that puts it among the best and most popular faculties of the university. This faculty offers the rehabilitation program, which is one of the best and most sought-after programs in the whole university.

Faculty of sports:

This faculty is the oldest faculty of the university and was established with the whole university. The faculty consists of 4 departments and offers various courses to its students. The faculty approaches education from a didactive perspective and designs individualized courses. This faculty is the biggest faculty of the university and has the most number of professors.

Faculty of pedagogy:

This faculty emphasizes the importance of sports education and offers three educationally focused courses to its students. Educational sciences, sports sciences and public service programs are offered to the students of this faculty.

Admissions and application requirements

  • Biometric Photograph
  • Notarized English translation of the pages showing the identity information and validity period of the student visa passport
  • Photocopy of residence permit and document showing foreign national number
  • Document showing that the tuition fee has been paid
  • Certified copy of English translation of transcription
  • Equivalency or recognition certificate
  • A certified copy of the undergraduate diploma or graduation certificate for enrollment in master’s programs, and a certified copy of the master’s diploma or master’s graduation certificate from the relevant higher education institution for application to doctoral programs.
  • The original copy of the transcript showing the GPA along with its English  translation
  • Residence Certificate

Why Chisinau state university of physical education and sports?

Studying in Moldova is generally an incredible experience, but studying in sports university is doubly special. Here, courses are designed according to each individuals needs and interests. Based on the didactic approach, every student is enrolled in a program which he or she surely enjoys. The university supports this education with hundreds of highly-educated staff and modern infrastructure. The university provides several international exchange opportunities such as the Erasmus program for its students. Various internship projects are also offered to students by the faculties. Overall, this university, as one of the best universities of Moldova, can offer first-class programs to its students.

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